SEO analysis and optimization is a check of the website for general health, structure, content, and other factors relevant for positioning in search engines.


SEO analysis and optimization is a check of the website for general health, structure, content, and other factors relevant for positioning in search engines.

SEO & SEA Analysis

The positioning of a website on search engines is the foundation of any digital strategy.

There are two types of optimization positioning, namely organic search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click search engine advertising (SEA), also known as cost per click (CPC). While SEO relies exclusively on organic searches on search engines, SEA is used to create paid advertisements via Google AdWords.

SEA complements SEO, allowing you to gain more traffic, more conversions, and results in greater awareness of your company.

Every time a user enters a search query, the race begins for the best spot on the SERP (search result list) for relevant advertisements. Think of it as a live auction, where the best offer (price) combined with the best ad (quality) and highest relevance (keyword match between search query and ad) wins, subsequently appearing above or beside the released SERP list. On platforms like Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords), advertisers specify the general conditions for their ads. Within the accounts created in Google Ads, so-called campaigns can be created with different features (different target groups, ordered by interests, origin, gender, etc.). These campaigns can be further divided into ad groups.

How we improve your Ecommerce's SEA:

How we improve the SEA of your Ecommerce:

How we improve SEO: