Prof's advice


Beyond the use of traditional sources of visibility, both organic and paid, discussed in the third lesson, there are additional strategies for attracting visitors and generating interest. These could include:

  • Content marketing: a strategy that aims to create and share high- quality and useful online content for the user. This content can help build and solidify brand authority, improving SEO and attracting visitors to your website.
  • Email marketing: Sending promotional emails to potential customers is an effective way to build and maintain direct contact with your customer base by offering special promotions or exclusive content.
  • Influencer marketing: Involves working with individuals with significant followings on social media who can promote your brand or products.
  • Partnerships with other companies: can lead to obtaining shared visibility, expanding the audience of both.
  • Offline advertising: such as posters, flyers or promotional events that can help reach a local or specific audience.

Once you have identified the traffic sources best suited to your business, it is essential to develop an effective and engaging message. This should clearly communicate the value of your product or service, address customer needs and differentiate itself from competitors.

What to do then? Prof Fabrizio Barbarossa explains it to you in this lesson of “The Prof’s advice” .


Lesson 5

Introduction to the commercial offer